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[Educational Facility] School for returning to fishing (ALT-2)

[Educational Facility]

School for returning to fishing 

/ 경기도 귀어학교 (ALT-2)

Architects : Poonyang SD Architects + AIM Architect
Location : Ansan-si, Gyeonggi-do, South Korea
Use : Educational Facility. Education center
Site Area : 68,343
Building Area : 496
Floor : 2F
Year : 2020
Step : Basic Design for Approval

[ Perspective View ]

[ Site plan ]


[ Floor plan ]




[ Elevation ]


[ Section ]

[ Story for Building ]

계획 안은 두 번째 대안이다. 방수에 대한 여러 하자에 대해서 경사 지붕에 대한 선호도가 있었다. 여전히 공용 공간이 침실 공간보다 적기 때문에 상부의 볼륨이 비대 하게 보여 자칫 안정성이 없어 보이기도 했다. 하지만 상부 공간의 볼륨으로 인해 1층에 셋 백 된 휴식 공간이 형성되어 자연과 어울리는 공간이 자연스럽게 만들어졌다. 다만 진행 중에 과다한 공사비가 산출되어서 다시 재검토해야 하는 상황이 되어 이 안은 채택되지 못하였다. 

The plan is the second alternative. There was a preference for a sloped roof for several defects in waterproofing. Since the common space is still smaller than the bedroom space, the volume of the upper part seems to be bloated, making it seem unstable. However, due to the volume of the upper space, a setback resting space was formed on the first floor, creating a space that blends with nature. However, this proposal was not adopted because the construction cost was excessively calculated during the process and it had to be reviewed again.