[Public work Office]
Pyeongnae-dong Village Community Center
Architects : Poonyang SD Architects
Location : Pyeongnae-dong, Namyangju South Korea
Use : public work Office, town hall, 마을회관
Site Area : 681 ㎡
Building Area : 127.36 ㎡
Floor : 2F
Year : 2020
Step : use approval, completed
[ Persprctive View ]
[ Floor plan ]
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[ Elevation ]
[ Story for Building ]
평내35통의 주민 숙원사업인 마을회관을 건립하여 지역간 균형있는 삶의 질 향상과 주민 화합의 기틀을 마련하는 공간을 계획하고자 하였다. 주 공간은 모임실과 마을 공동 회의실 그리고 부대시설, 화장실로 소규모 공간이지만 마을의 특색을 살렸고 주변의 공원과의 연계를 고려한 배치계획을 하였다. @HOONARCH
By establishing a town hall, a long-cherished project of residents in 35 pyeongnae, it was planned to plan a space to improve the quality of life in balance among regions and to lay the foundation for resident harmony. The main space is a small space with a meeting room, village common meeting room, ancillary facilities, and a bathroom, but the characteristics of the village were utilized and the layout was planned considering the connection with the surrounding park. @HOONARCH