[Remodeling interior]
Namyangju Public Health Center
Architects : Poonyang SD Architects
Location : Jinjeop, Hwado-eup, Namyangju-si, South Korea
Use : Facility for the elderly, public health center, 보건소
Remodeling Area : 650 ㎡
Floor : 1st and 2nd floors of City Hall
Year : 2019
Step : use approval, completed
[ Persprctive View ]
ALT -1
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View from Hall |
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Reception Area |
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Hall Area |
ALT -2
[ Floor plan ]
[ Photos ]
Hall Reception room Wationg room Notice Board Clinocal pathology room Physical therapy room Corridor Corridor
[ Story for Remodeling ]
주요 공간으로는 1층에 접수실, 대기실, 진료실, 예방접종실, 결핵실, 방사선실, 임상병리실, 가족보건팀, 물리치료실 등이 있고, 2층에는 보건소장실, 사무공간, 회의실, 구강보건실, 한방실, 상담실 등이 위치하고 있다.
계획의 기본방향은
1.보건업무 처리 및 방문객 접근성을 고려한 공간배치 및 기능성과 공간 활용의 합리성 고려
2.경제성을 고려하여 향후 효율적인 관리가 되도록 배치
3.주민들의 편의 제공 및 쾌적한 업무공간의 조성
4.장애인 및 노약자 등을 고려한 장애인 편의시설의 설치 검토 였다.
시민들이 보건 및 의료분야에서 편리하게 사용되는 공간이 되길 바란다.
The function of the public health center, which had been dispersed in the city hall building, was relocated to the 2nd building, and the 1st and 2nd floors of the 2nd building were remodeled to create a convenient and efficient space for citizens to use. Medical treatment space on the first floor and office space on the second floor were secured, and the environment was improved to provide citizen-friendly health and medical services.
The main spaces include a reception room, waiting room, treatment room, vaccination room, tuberculosis room, radiology room, clinical pathology room, family health team, and physical therapy room on the first floor. Offices, counseling rooms, etc. are located.
The basic direction of the plan is
1. Consideration of space layout and functionality considering health work processing and visitor accessibility, and rationality of space utilization
2. Placement for efficient management in the future considering economic feasibility
3. Providing convenience to residents and creating a pleasant work space
4. It was a review of the installation of convenience facilities for the disabled and the elderly in consideration.
We hope that it will be a space that is conveniently used by citizens in the health and medical field.