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[Remodeling interior] Welfare Foundation Office

[Remodeling interior]

Welfare Foundation Office Remodeling


Architects : Poonyang SD Architects

Location : Dasan-dong, Namyangju-si, South Korea

Use : Office

Remodeling Area : 219

Floor : 1st floors of Administrative Welfare Center

Year : 2020

Step : use approval, completed


[ Persprctive View ]

Office Layout

Plan View

[ Floor plan ]

1st Floor Plan


[ Story for Remodeling ] 

복지재단 사무공간에 대한 리모델링 공사를 추진함에 있어 복지재단 사무공간의 구조와 동선을 고려한 효율적인 사무환경 조성 및 사용자인 내,외부 고객관점에서의 실용성과 쾌적함을 반영하고, 미래지향적인 스마트한 사무환경 구축을 위한 리모델링 설계이다.

 과업의 목적은 참 거창하다. ^^ 이 프로젝트는 행정복지센터 1층에 기존 희망케어사무실 부분을 복지재단 사무공간으로 리모델링하는 것이었다. 단계별로 1단계는 칸막이 및 기본 마감, 2단계는 인테리어 마감이었다. 기존 공공업무공간과 간섭되는 부분이 있어서 상호간에 조율이 필요했던 프로젝트였다.

In promoting the remodeling work for the office space of the Welfare Foundation, we create an efficient office environment considering the structure and movement of the office space of the Welfare Foundation, reflect practicality and comfort from the perspective of internal and external customers, and create a future-oriented smart office environment. It is a remodeling design for construction.

The purpose of the task is grandiose. ^^ This project was to remodel the existing Hope Care office on the first floor of the Administrative Welfare Center into an office space for the Welfare Foundation. Step 1 was partition and basic finishing, and step 2 was interior finishing. It was a project that needed to be coordinated with each other because there was a part that interfered with the existing public work space.